Web Shop Guidelines
Accessing Lotuswebtec Web Shop

To obtain access to Lotuswebtec Web Shop please use our free of charge registration. To register as Lotuswebtec Web Shop user on www.lotuswebtec.com please use feedback form of type “Question” at https://www.lotuswebtec.com/en/contact/feedback.html and provide your first name, last name, your e-mail, and your postal address for the order billing information. In response you will receive in your e-mail inbox the login credentials for the website which will activate the Web Shop access menu after your login on the website.

Purchasing from Lotuswebtec Web Shop using PayPal

A valid PayPal account is a preferred way of payment. To finish the order procedure, the user should click at checkout the yellow PayPal button, fill out his PayPal credentials, and confirm the PayPal transaction.

When the transaction is completed, the user is redirected to his unique order page on the Lotuswebtec web site which confirms his order payment. The user also receives a copy of his order in his e-mail inbox.

Purchasing from Lotuswebtec Web Shop using Credit Card

A valid Credit Card is an alternative way to complete purchases in Lotuswebtec WebShop. In this case, to finish the purchase, the user should fill out the card information and press the green button “Pay Now”.

After completing the payment step, the user is redirected to his order page on the Lotuswebtec web site which confirms his order payment. The user also receives a copy of his order in his e-mail inbox.

Order processing by Lotuswebtec Web Shop Team

When the payment is confirmed, a valid order is processed within 5 office days. In case of any delays, please contact Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.