• CARE (22/02/2025)

    care 04 04 2024 FV
    You need emotion and reason to make good decisions
    Zadie Smith, Gnostotheca 8500 

    w 17 04 2024
    Triceps exercises for lowering high blood sugar levels
    Triceps movements produce myokines that lower blood sugar more efficiently than leg muscles. Michel Pinget (CEED)
    Suggestions for Triceps exercises;
    a) Arms at the sides of the body, fists pointing backwards (with or without a lightweight in each hand, e.g. a bottle of water); Swing your arms backwards when exhaling. Repeat movement 12 times. After 1min. rest movement repeating...
    Gnostotheca 8281 contact mini
  • ADAGIA-POINT-OF-VIEW (22/02/2025)

    st 22 04 2023
    Historical interpretation of contemporary nationalism From Gramsci's strategic nationalism to a nationalist socialism or a nationalist liberalism?
    2.1) Gramsci Antonio: his strategic nationalist socialism and the emergence of national socialism, national communism, Eurosocialism and Eurocommunism
    To be continued
    FVM., Gnostotheca 8528 contact mini 



Journal Communication & Cognition 57-3-4-2024

Journal Communication & Cognition 2024, Vol.57, 3-4ISSN 0378-0880 (Print), 2953-1454 (Online) DOI: https://doi.org/10.57028/C57-239-Z1071 Access:  To obtain full access to this...

Journal Communication & Cognition 57-1-2-2024

Journal Communication & Cognition 2024, Vol.57, 1-2ISSN 0378-0880 (Print), 2953-1454 (Online) DOI: https://doi.org/10.57028/C57-126-Z1061 Access:  To obtain full access to this...

Journal SPE61-2

   Journal Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis  ISSN 0582-2351  2024, Vol. 61-2, pp. 125-212. issue doi:  https://doi.org/10.57028/S61-212-Z1066 Access: to access this article please...


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