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Journal           Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis 2023, Vol. 60, issue 1
Title                ChatGPT: a tool towards an education revolution?
Authors           Fernand Vandamme, Peter Kaczmarski
Pages              95-135


In this article we start with elaborating the educational and cultural setting of the use of computers in general and of the additional impact of the ChatGPT in these. Their impact is changing the assessment of education in general. It is crucial to be aware of the related challenges when looking and studying ChatGPT. With this in mind we describe a case study involving the use of ChatGPT in e-learning. The aim of this study is to gather usability impressions from system interactions during an e-learning session related to the domain of knowledge representation. This concerns in particular the aspects of fluency, understandability of the responses, and the adequacy of the provided knowledge. These aspects form the first part of the article, and in the second part we look at a broader range of related topics including the technologies behind ChatGPT, a literature study of the encountered ChatGPT limitations and errors, and the implied need of critical thinking when using ChatGPT. Moreover, key ethical aspects of using ChatGPT are discussed, and also state-of-the-art online tools concerning automatic detection of AI generated content. Our findings concerning the potential use of ChatGPT in e-learning are confirmed by the presented literature study.

Keywords       Accusation, AI, AI chatbot, AI ethics, AI misuse, argumentation, assessment, case study, ChatGPT, computer-based education, defense, dyssocial, dyssocial techniques, education, e-learning, e-learning, explanation, generating fake news, gnost, hidden curriculum, higher education, justification, Large Language Models, lying, manipulation, OpenAI, personality, plagiarism, prediction, skills, primary school education, ZeroGPT.

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