Disinformation and media wisdom or
on dyssocial techniques and methods Vandamme F., De Brauwer A., Fu Zhi, Balder M., Muylle F., Wang L. Blue Lotus Series, No. 1, 2022 Fernand Vandamme Communication & Cognition ISBN 9789079921133 DOI https://doi.org/10.57028/BN-222-133-Z1018 |
When we talk or think about media and especially about media wisdom, then we are thinking about influencing and stimulating individuals and groups of people. Influence them to amuse them, to dream about their future: their personal, familial, cultural, ecological perspectives, to stimulate them to get more well-being… This means one appeals to all possible skills of people: their communicative, their cognitive, their social skills, their skills for creating and enjoying amusement…
Still through the media, one is not only able to target, to stimulate all possible skills… As much one is trying and in fact one is able to block the use and development of skills. Through the media one tries and sometimes very successfully (for instance in situations of real or metaphorical warfare) to thwart the communicative, cognitive, social actions and interventions of the readers, listeners, participants in the media.
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