Journal Communication & Cognition 2023, Vol.56, 3-4
ISSN 0378-0880 (Print), 2953-1454 (Online) Access: To obtain full access to this issue please use the following order form
Journal Communication & Cognition 2023, Vol.56, 1-2
ISSN 0378-0880 (Print), 2953-1454 (Online) DOI
Access: To obtain full access to this issue please use the following order form
Journal Communication & Cognition 2022, Vol.55, 3-4
ISSN 0378-0880 (Print), 2953-1454 (Online) Access: To obtain full access to this issue please use the following order form
Web security: a quick start introduction to OAuth 2.0 and Keycloak 19.x authorization scenarios. P. KACZMARSKI & F. VANDAMME. Fractals to express and measure culture, cultural innovation, cooperation, hypocritical cooperation, dyssocial and psychopatic behavior. F. VANDAMME, L. WANG, P. KACZMARSKI. Evaluation process of collaborative group learning and the feelings it engenders with reference to mathematical subjects taught with the help of electrical resistors: application in the technology laboratory. A. MARINOS. Mining telecommunication data to predict customer churn with filter-based feature using Weka. A. KHALAF, M. DWEIB, Y. ABUZIR. |
Journal Communication & Cognition 2022, Vol.55, 1-2
ISSN 0378-0880 (Print), 2953-1454 (Online)
Access Access: to access this article please go to this order form
Distant Learning during Covid-19 Epidemic. Leon J. M. Rothkrantz
The Quadrature of the Governance Triangle: on the Heritage of Idealism and Prometheus’ myth. Wilfried Allaerts
Disinformation, Critical Thinking and Dyssocial Techniques and Methods. Fernand Vandamme, Peter Kaczmarski, Wang Lin